City of Mansfield City Council Correspondence
Updated May 23, 2022
We are a group of City of Mansfield residents seeking to make positive change with the way mosquito control is applied in the City. This category page is a collection of letters sent to the Mansfield Texas City Council in 2022 concerning what we believe is excessive ground spraying with limited proactive mosquito control response. These letters will be best understood if read in numerical order as newer letters may rely on information from older letters. The first letter describes at a high level what to expect from subsequent letters and the next to last is a summary and our expectations. If this resonates with your values we have added a post describing how you can help. Check back often to keep up with new posts. We are excited to see where this path leads us.
1 – City of Mansfield City Council introduction letter April 18, 2022
April 18, 2022
City of Mansfield Council Members,
My name is Larry McFarland and I am one of the fourteen citizens who were in opposition to the aggressive ground spraying and the lack of any substantive preventative measures for the control of mosquitoes in…
2 – EPA and mainstream mosquito control recomendations – Mansfield mosquito control activities for 2021
April 20, 2022
City of Mansfield Council Members,
This correspondence will focus on what is considered the mainstream mosquito control policy of all major mosquito control groups and how the City of Mansfield’s Environmental
3 – Mansfield vs. Fort Worth mosquito control practices and their outcomes
April 27, 2022
City of Mansfield Council Members,
Approximately forty-five percent of the population of Tarrant County resides in the City of Fort Worth. Fort Worth has about ten times the population and land area as compared to the City of Mansfield…
4 – Permethrin the active ingredient in current pesticide spray – is it safe and do you want to be exposed to it?
April 29, 2022
City of Mansfield Council Members,
During the 8-24-2020 City Council Meeting Mr. VanAmburgh made the statements “there is.
5 – How far does the pesticide spray travel and what would be an equitable and acceptable buffer?
May 2, 2022
City of Mansfield Council Members,
We had requested a three-hundred foot buffer to provide isolation from ground spray pesticide with the final outcome being reduced to only…
6 – What are the chances of contracting West Nile Virus – the threat vs the response?
May 9, 2022
City of Mansfield Council Members,
After years of listening to news reports, local mosquito control personnel and Tarrant County Public Health West Nile Virus warnings, just how likely do you think it is to become
7 – It’s time for change – nothing to lose and everything to gain
May 16, 2022
City of Mansfield Council Members,
This would be the perfect opportunity to make the changes that have long been needed for an efficient and equitable mosquito control program for the city. There would be nothing to lose and everything
8 – I like what you are doing so how can I help?
May 23, 2022
If you feel compelled to help after reading the seven letters to the Mansfield City Council there are things that you can do to help. Your commitment level is entirely up to you and any contribution would be greatly appreciated.
Consider writing a letter to the City Council. It could be as short as one sentence stating that you support moving to