We can help
If you feel compelled to help after reading the seven letters to the Mansfield City Council there are things that you can do to help. Your commitment level is entirely up to you and any contribution would be greatly appreciated.
Consider writing a letter to the City Council. It could be as short as one sentence stating that you support moving to a proactive mosquito control program and a 300’ no-spray buffer. To make this easier here is a page with the email addresses of the City Council, Mayor and City Manager that can easily be copied and pasted in the “to” field of your email client.
We are hoping to get an agenda item in front of the Council. If that happens showing up to speak or sending an email to be read by the Mayor in front of the Council would be greatly appreciated. City Council meetings are on the second and fourth Monday of the month and start at 7:00pm. If you choose to send an email instead of attending in person it should be addressed to the City Secretary and should be sent by 6:00pm before the Council meeting begins. Use “citizen comments” in the subject line. Again, something as simple as one sentence would be very helpful and greatly appreciated.
The agenda that shows what is to be discussed during the meeting will be posted on the City website Thursday afternoon before the Council Meeting on the following Monday. We would be more than happy to contact you and let you know if and when we will be on the agenda.
Please feel free to contact us with any other questions that you may have.